Demented are Go, Eastie Ro!s
Spurv is a six-piece instrumental post-rock/metal band from Oslo, Norway. They released their third full-length album “Brefjære” on (Pelagic Records). The album has been met with awestruck enjoyment by fans and reviewers alike, both in Norway and abroad.
44 Inch Cake) treibt nach vorne und lädt gleichzeitig zum Träumen ein. Mit Musik zwischen Indie und Progressive Rock finden die vier Musiker*innen immer wieder atmosphärische Welten in Melancholie und ausufernden Gewittern, um sich selbst und Andere zu begeistern.
Spurv“Brefjære” is a secular oratorio, giving voice to a mythic conversation between a birch, a mountain, a butterfly and the wind. Together, the four characters tell the story of time and history, of nature and humankind, and of devastation and hope. While the album is the first by Spurv to include vocals (in the form of a mixed choir and two soloists), the album still includes epic, melodic, and emotional instrumental pieces, clearly bearing Spurv’s unmistakable signature.
The history of Spurv runs back to 2011, when the band earned an early reputation for an intense and massive live presence after shows all over Norway. Their first release “Blader som faller til jorden og blir til nye trær” (2012), as well as their debut album “Skarntyde” (2015), reached the hearts of fans across the globe, and brought the band to their first festival appearances on the European continent. Their second album “Myra” (2018) was greeted with enthusiastic reviews in national as well as international press. After touring Norway in 2018, Spurv have been gaining new ground with a show at the prestigious Øya Festival of their hometown in August 2019, as well as their first EU tours in 2019 and early 2020. In 2023, following the release of “Brefjære”, they have supported The Ocean and This Will Destroy You for stretches of their European tour, in addition to doing a EU tour of their own.
Et blekt lys lyder (Official video)
Mellom broen og elven (music video)
"By every metric, this record seems to be Spurv’s most intentional, polished, and impressive yet." (Everything Is Noice)
"This is an inventing, captivating release" (Veil of Sound )
44 Inch Cake
44 Inch Cake treibt nach vorne und lädt gleichzeitig zum Träumen ein. Mit Musik zwischen Indie und Progressive Rock finden die vier Musiker*innen immer wieder atmosphärische Welten in Melancholie und ausufernden Gewittern, um sich selbst und Andere zu begeistern. Ob ein funkiger Bass, treibende Klavierläufe, Melodien zum sich Verlieren, breite Gitarren-Bretter oder unklare Takte, 44 Inch Cake sucht den Mix zwischen wild und ruhig, einfach und kompliziert, brachial und fein.
* Ermäßigter Eintritt an der Abendkasse für Schüler*innen, Student*innen, Sozialhilfeempfänger*innen.
* Reduced admission at the box office for students and welfare recipients.
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